Thursday, January 3, 2013


2013: My twenties see their final year so I best make it awesome-sauce. I will be setting lofty goals for my life because as I have experienced in my twenties, the years went by too fast. I am also well aware that the rest have the capacity to go by even faster. And I haven't even scratched to surface of that which I am capable.  

Writing/Blogging Goals 

I will never forget my high school English teacher singling out my dad at my graduation and telling hime that I would make a great author someday--that I have a gift with words. I remember being flattered but it was the pride my father seemed to take in that moment that still gives me butterflies to this day. Since then I have let my gift go. I didn't nurture it, cultivate it along with the rest of me and help it to become something fabulous. Writing and I, well we have a lot of catching up to do in 2013.  
This year, my goal is to spend at least 45 minutes a day writing. 


Our big move this past fall has severely derailed my crafting aspirations. Now that I have gotten in back into the normal swing of things (for the most part), I'm ready for creativity to find its way back into my life. 


Become more diligent with our routines. I am so god awfully bad at maintaining any semblance of  a schedule in my home. May the gods of homemaking also grant me the gift of time management, list making, and basic planning skills. Please?


Yadda, yadda, blah, blah, exercise, boom chicca bow wow, diet, blah, blah, blah. 

Working out gets a big, fat thumbs down!


  • Travel to at least one place outside of Virginia that is not Disney World. 
  • Read 30 books. At least. 
  • Get a tattoo. 
  • Pull out my guitar and practice.
  • Learn Spanish. 
  • Have a completely kick-ass garden and put up food for the next winter. 
  • Raise chickens. 

Take pictures everyday. Photography forces me to find the fabulousness in the mundane and the normal. It pushes me to make things beautiful and sometimes I just need that little push. 


  1. I've just started trying to regularly blog as well. I don't know why it is so hard to get in the routine, because it is so much fun! By the way, I think I need to set a similar goal to your 'traveling somewhere that is not Disney World'... But that is going to be *so* difficult since it's my favorite place to travel! :)

  2. I'm all for new tattoos! Me, too! Me, too! Great goals. At the end of the year come back to this and check everything off!

    Stopping by from Mom Bloggers!
