Wednesday, January 16, 2013


It's cold and rainy once again which is doubly depressing following a beautiful couple of days. I'm cursing myself for wishing summer away during the dog days of August. Anyways, I've been searching for and have pinpointed my dream-weather city: Charleston, South Carolina. Urban living, close beaches, southern charm? Yes, please! I check the weather in "Chawlstun" daily and research fun facts like: Did you know it was named Most-Polite city? Yep, I was for real just as surprised as you! Is it weird to be a city-stalker? I don't even care. I have to imagine elaborate shit to make it through January and February. They are the worst. For today though, we'll be taking a stroll through sunnier, happier times (like last weekend).

Sun so bright, it even hurts the eyes in photograph form. Nothing better.

Jaxx. Full name: Jaxx Big Beef. 

"Hey, uuuuh did you know it's 79° in Charleston today?"

He wanted to dig up this little tree and name it "Sawyer." How original. He's not conceited at all.

Who's kid needs blocks? Not mine.

On our way to my favorite spot. Follow the gray gravel road.

So this is pretty much our backyard. Take that Charleston!

I have fun projects coming to the blog soon if it would only stop raining long enough to take decent photographs. Actually, I'm hearing whisperings of snow in the forecast for tomorrow. I sure hope it's true! There's a big hill out back and possibly a kayak or some other piece of boating-turned-sledding equipment calling my name! 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the cold weather. It's hit 17 degrees here in So. AZ. And I feel if its that cold it should be snowing. But no snow. Boo to that.
